Thursday, March 20, 2008

An idea? A way of thought? A revolution? A blog.

Although it is not at all my intention to paint this group as a far right leaning fanatical group or organization, it is my fear that it will become just that.

It is an objective of mine to find out just how much of America thinks on a similar tone to that of my own consciousness, and a dream of mine to help bring an awareness to those of my generation and immediate surrounding generations, of the current political landscape and what it really, truly means.

Some of my views, you will find, are incredibly controversial, but I can give you my solid promise that my views are not without reasoning or explanation, and I urge you to argue against my views, as it will allow me to further explain them to you.

Some of my views are simply for the sake of the political landscape of our country being turned from populist and emotional issues, to issues that really matter to the country as a whole rather than special interests or relative and noisy minorities that like to make life a living hell for the rest of America.

Again, those are likely to be controversial, but it is my hope, that with all of these in proper context, that you will all acknowledge these views as a truth.

1) Global Warming is a fraud
-"Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources." -Ronald Reagan

-CO2 lags nearly 800 years behind temperature rises.

-Holocene Maximum...where's the cars?

(I pray the owner of this blog simply appreciates the use of his page for this, I have provided the link to his blog, because he obviously has links to resources, and I dislike plagiarizing.)

Look up the Global Cooling scare of the 70's. Look up the Global Warming scare of the 50's. Look up the Ice Age scare of the late 20's. This is just history repeating itself, but because of mainstream media, it can be shown as so much bigger than it really is.

2) Environmentalism has become a false religion under false pretenses. Has created a "nuh-uh" mindset, where those who simply "believe" in their "faith" that global warming is man-made and real absolutely refuse to look at evidence that refutes it, believe instead that because Al Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize (thus removing all value from the award for all past and all future) he 'must' be right. Or what the IPCC's (International Panel of Climate Change--hosted by the UN) "Scientists" say. Their paycheck is mandated by what they say about how bad global warming. Never trust a group that pays itself off of its own hype, and because of its own hype, is able to get more funding to further said hype.

The [Environmentalist] movement is a false religion, but what it teaches, beyond the fanatical fervor, isn't necessarily bad. Green energy is an excellent thing. Solar, Wind, Hydro (dams and ocean turbines); these are all excellent points of electricity, as well as conservation, recycling, planting trees, and becoming more in tune with our environment, unfortunately, they are not consistent.

It is absolute sacrilege however, that we Americans must take the brunt of the "punishment" while India and China pump more CO2 into the air every day. We have a beautiful country here in America. While our energy bills are going up, China and India burn more and more coal in incredibly unclean manners, where our clean coal plants are shut down by the EPA. Our Industry takes a beating where it simply doesn't have to in order to be more green. Better scrubbers on our coal plants would suffice.

(Have you ever watched one of our great cities from an airplane? Seen practically nothing but Green during the summer? Chicago is gorgeous. Athens, is well... go find some pictures and see for yourself.)

3) Anti-Statist (Against big government)
-"That government is best which governs least." - Thomas Paine
-"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help. " - Ronald Reagan
-"The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much. " -Ronald Reagan
-"The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none." -Andrew Jackson

4) Pro-Fair Tax
-With Income Taxes gone, more American Business would find it worthwhile to re-base business back home (In the United States). This would immediately decrease unemployment, and bring an Approximated $13 Trillion from offshore business accounts back home in an income tax free environment. Our economy would thrive like it has never thrived before.

Although we would be "paying more" for everything we buy (although if you look at the numbers, it would actually be less because everything would be embedded, it would be our CHOICE to do so, rather than involuntarily surrendering wages to the IRS for income taxation. The governmental control over our money would vanish. Check the above link for further, deeper information, and feel free to buy Neal Boortz' book on the Fair Tax from

This would also help bring down the power of an illegal central bank entity, known as the Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal, nor a Reserve.

"The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government ... are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it. " -Andrew Jackson

"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country." -Andrew Jackson

"The bank is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!" -Andrew Jackson

5) Political Messages, Not Political Parties. Deeds, Not Political Messages.

When you think "Conservative" in the common day, you think of the "Neo-Con" party, and when you think of "Libertarians", you think of Anarchists like an unfortunate chunk of Ron Paul's supporters (who, by the way, hurt his campaign greatly to much chagrin). When you think of a Free American Republic, you think Democracy, free vote, and 'my vote has power'.

Too long in our country, have party lines and party pettiness run the politics themselves. The two main parties have waged war on one another and completely lost sight of themselves in the process.

If you look back into history, the Democrats typically Southern (Civil War Era), and the Republicans Northern. If you correlate that to the general cultural differences between north and south, you'd find that the South (Democrats) were conservative, and the North (Republicans) were more liberal. Notice the switch? It's completely opposite (supposedly) these days.

Yet the Democratic Party (here's some irony) is the Party that's associated mostly with civil rights/liberties, especially towards minorities, when historically, it was the Democratic Party that was against those very rights and liberties. Democratic Party in the 1800's? Slavery. Course, that's also not particularly fair, because it wasn't until the Civil War and J.P. Morgan Chase funding the North's War vs the South with a 0% Interest bank loan for Abolition that the North embraced the Emancipation Proclamation. So all in all, neither party is really right no matter which way you look at. Both were on technicality, pro-slavery in some fashion or another at some point.

You can see my main point (I hope) that although names stay the same, the words behind them, the goals, the logic, the reasoning, the objectives, the compassion, and the humanity behind those names constantly change. The Democratic and Republican Parties of yesteryear are not a thing like they are today.

By Conservative I mean the following:
Free Enterprise (Free Market)
Limited Government (Libertarian)
Individual Freedom (Libertarian)

*Traditional American Values
-Limiting the Role of the Judiciary
No more social engineering in the guise of 'Interpreting the Constitution'. If we want a Fascist state, we'll go back in History and ask Hitler to take charge of our country.

-Supporting Traditional Marriage
Nothing against the gay community folks, but Marriage has been between man and woman for ages upon ages. Sure, we live in America where all is free and whatnot, but you're getting nothing but a tax bonus out of being married. Then again, maybe once the Fair Tax comes into play, it won't matter anyways. As long as you guys aren't allowed to adopt kids, I suppose it doesn't really matter.

-Protecting Parents Rights
Your kid is acting up. Spank his or her butt. If somebody else complains or reports you to child services, then they just wasted their time. Discipline is important to children. You'll notice that most of our generation and the one following are nothing but intolerant societal rejects that complain if they don't get everything their way and throw fits.

I assure you, it has something to do with Mommy and Daddy not turning Billy over their knees and paddling his butt for being a little jerk.

Although being against Abortion is a Traditional Conservative Value, I do not believe that it has a place in National/Federal politics because it is a knee jerk reactionary's issue. Any politician can turn the tide of an entire election simply by saying "Pro Choice" or "Anti". It's just that simple. Although I can't say I see Abortion as Birth Control, I do understand its merits to society when truly necessary, although only then.

Limiting Factors of Government (Libertarian) principles have a lot to do with my view on Abortion. Although Conservative values are against Abortion, those very same Conservative values also say flat out that Government has no right to say what a woman does or doesn't do with her own body. Freedom. From. Government. And Freedom of Privacy.

So to sum this section up.... look into your politics before you cast a vote. Look into your politics before you decide on democrat, libertarian, republican, green, commie, etc. Politicians, and the Establishment prey on you simply not knowing how your government works. Follow, but do not follow blindly.
"Trust, but verify." -Ronald Reagan

Finally, I want you to actually find what either party has actually done for the betterment of our country, rather than the creation of a welfare state, ala Social Security Act of 1935. Look at where that got us, eh kids? A soon to be Bankrupted System. That is what the Statist Liberal Left wants. Communistesque Control.

6) Media

Understanding that the Liberal run Media is and has been on course for decades now, to rip our country apart. They lie, they slander, and they do it all for entertainment purposes.
The Drive-By Media is not trustable outside of "there was a fire" or "there was a disaster" or "eggrolls at 11". They do not show important events, they do have an agenda, and most of it is now controlled by one Rupert Murdock. Never trust such a vast conglomerate with the power residing solely in the hands of one man.

The fact that we haven't heard anything in the mainstream media about Iraq says that the surge worked, and that we're winning the war.
The fact that we haven't heard much about North/South korea says that things are going well.
The fact that the Mainstream Media doesn't report about it In General, means that things are going well.
Mainstream Media only presents tragic stories that can be used for emotional swing and drama to increase ratings. If you want real news, then go to the blogger community, the independent journalists, and yes, even talk radio. You will note on the other hand though, that my views coincide greatly with AM talk radio hosts such as Neal Boortz, Sean Hannity, and even to an extent, Rush Limbaugh.

It's a pity that the Left Wing Crazy Drive-By Media slanders these gentlemen as total right wing crazy nut bag loons, because these men are real Americans who love our country more than anything else. I'm not really sure, honestly, if I agree with that as my own opinion, but I think that a general consensus would back it up.

In this day and age, Media actually holds an incredibly large rung of power, simply because their propagandist maneuvers control the minds of Americans every day, while major news topics roll on by like a tumbleweed in the dusty mid-western wind.

I do not push on you that Neal, Sean, and Rush are the gospel truth by any means. I occasionally find myself rolling my eyes at them as well. The key to the Media, is to know how to pick the pieces apart and make up your own mind, your own opinion, and not simply tout the opinion that someone else gave to you. Your mind is free. Treat it like it.

7) Illegal Immigration. Gomez! Go back to Mexico or wherever, and come back with a Greencard. Then I won't have a problem with you. You break the laws in a land that's supposed to be ruled by Law and get away with it and not pay taxes and put a strain on our schools and our health care system, I have a problem with you. You come here legally, and pay your taxes, and contribute to my beloved country's society, then I don't have a problem with you. I have no problem with you or your people, I just have a problem with you and your people that breaks the laws that my very own family fought and died for to put into place to safeguard our great nation from the very problem that you represent (note, my family has fought in every war since America was founded, and that's certainly a reason to take pride in my country).

8) Finally... We are a Republic. Not a Democracy. It is very, very important to understand that we are a Republic, because Mob Rule is dangerous. We elect officials so that they can elect for us. We place mass opinion into the people we vote for so that they may carry our opinion to where it counts nationally. So it is effectively Mob Rule by Proxy, but at least this way, it removes the personal mob screaming from the mob, and places it nicely into the gentle hands of someone with a calm and collected mind.

Until recently, I didn't understand fully, the benefits of our Republican System. I certainly understand now though. And because I understand that, I can understand why George Bush 43 won the election in 2000, and as much as I almost hate to say it now... rightfully so.

Most Americans are Libertarians. They just don't know it. (Thank you Mr. Boortz) Whether they are Liberal or Conservative Libertarians, they are still Libertarians.

Although this group is mainly stretched towards the Conservative side (Traditionalist), the invitation is open in this group to Progressives as well.

I will not stand here and say that everything I have said is correct. I will not stand here and say that everything is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. I will not stand here and say that I am right, you are wrong, period. I will not stand here and say that I am without faults. And I will not stand here and say that all of what I have said is 100% educated, because as a fellow human, I too am prone to miscommunication, typos, and misinformation just as you are.

I will however, say that Education is our #1 ally against Tyranny. Self Education is the 'best' Education. Learning from one another is also the 'best' Education. Networking, and the free exchange of ideas is also the 'best' education. Educate yourselves about how our Government works. Educate yourselves on the political parties' histories. Educate yourselves on your own local politics, as well as county and state level, as those influence you more directly than any national politics, and can also remove Federal rule locally.

The more you know, the more power you have. The more power you have, the less the establishment can effect you. The less the establishment can effect you, the more effect you have on the establishment.

Be safe. And know before you go.

God Bless America, and every [Legal] American in it.

"The Capitalistic style of Government reflects the business model of supply and demand. Unfortunately, there's far too much supply of Government for the demand, and yet we [citizens] continue to pay for it at the highest cost imaginable.... Our Freedom." -Jon Lightner

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